Book Review: The Restaurant and the End of the Universe

The Restaurant at the End of the Universe by Douglas Adams really took me by surprise. We continue where The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy left off, Arthur Dent and Ford Prefect and the rest of their crew arrive at the Restaurant at the End of the Universe. But it’s not at the physical end... Continue Reading →

Book Review: The Women in the Castle

The Women in the Castle is a WWII historical fiction novel with its own unique tale. There is a group of Hilter’s men who desire to assinate Hilter. His mental instability is beginning to show through and with some many deaths already, they agree it is the best action to protect Germany. Marianne Lingenfels is... Continue Reading →

Reading, Reading, Reading

I haven't been quite as active on here as I want to be this year. I started a new job in January and it has more flexible hours. But when I say flexible, I mean I work a standard 40 hour week but I can work as much as I want. At my last job,... Continue Reading →

WWW Wednesday (April 17, 2019)

Unfortunately, this week's WWW Wednesday is pretty boring. I haven't made much time to read. But hoping this week will be greatly improved. WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme, hosted by Sam at Taking On a World of Words. Visit her blog to take a look, and get involved too if you can, even if you don’t... Continue Reading →

Book Review: The Man on the Mountaintop

The Man on the Mountaintop is one of the most inspirational books I’ve ever read/listened to. This little book is full of life wisdom and practical application. There is a man on top of the mountain called The Holy Man. He is essentially a hermit monk who spends the majority of his time alone except... Continue Reading →

Book Review: Killer by Nature

I’ve spent most of February catching up on the Audible Originals I’ve downloaded. Every month, Prime members get to choose three free audiobooks. Most at under 5 hours, there may be a few longer books in there. Lately, I’ve really been enjoying the ‘live drama’ Audible Originals. After Anatevka was my first, followed by Dodge... Continue Reading →

WWW Wednesday: April 3, 2019

Unfortunately, this week's WWW Wednesday is pretty boring. I haven't made much time to read. But hoping this week will be greatly improved. WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme, hosted by Sam at Taking On a World of Words. Visit her blog to take a look, and get involved too if you can, even if you don’t... Continue Reading →

Book Review: After Anatevka Live

After Anatevka is everything you need if you are suffering from Fiddler on the Roof withdrawals. I was very late to The Fiddler craze. The first and only time I’ve ever seen it was the full play on my college campus. The performance was so well done and so memorable, that it has stuck with... Continue Reading →

Book Review: The Boy Who Survived Brexit

The Boy Who Survived Brexit is such a pure and sweet story. Jason is an autistic boy living with his mother and older brother in Scotland. To occupy his thoughts and worries about the upcoming Brexit, his mother introduced him to disaster prepping. For a long while, Jason has been encouraging his family and others... Continue Reading →

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