2018 Beach Book Haul

I’ve spent the better part of two weeks (or more) on a little break. I was in a bad head space, and just needed to step back from what I was currently doing with my life. Plus, my day job has been kicking my butt with crazy hours. If you read my last post, I mentioned I picked up golf, and it’s probably the best decision of my life at the moment. I’ve only had one lesson, but I’ve been playing weekly for the past month and a half. It has definitely helped me to embrace life a little bit better.

Now on to the wonderful, bookish stuff.

Every year, we go on vacation with my husband’s family. It’s been a tradition to stop at the Books a Million on the way to the beach. There, I can load up on discount books and best sellers that happen to catch my eye. I had a huge hall that day, five books! (Not to mention the ones I already selected to come on the trip.

In Atlantic Beach, there’s a little bookshop called Beach Book Mart. It’s a family tradition to go in, Brent enjoys the comic books and anime. I found out last year that I can call ahead to order books and they will have them read for me when I arrive for vacation. Talk about convenient! I pre-ordered three books and bought two more when I walked into the store.

Now all I have to do is find room for them in my suitcase.


Sourdough by Robin Sloan

I saw this book as a selection for BOTM. I didn’t get it because the premise just didn’t sound all the interesting, but with the discounted price I figured I’d give it a try. What I didn’t know, this that the author also wrote Mr. Penumbra’s 24 Hour Bookstore. I’ve actually read this already, and it was a great read!

George Washington’s Secret Six by Brian Kilmeade and Don Yaeger

I borrowed this book from the library, but never got around to reading it. With vacation falling on the 4th of July, I grabbed it for a history read.

Gisha Trilogy by Leigh Bardugo

Shadow and Bone, Siege and Storm, and Ruin and Rising make up the Grisha Trilogy. This series is the original Leigh Bardugo. I’m currently reading the Six of Crows Duology (recently announced trilogy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), and man is it incredible. So I immediately ordered this series so I could start them when i finished Crooked Kingdom.

The Language of Thorns by Leigh Bardugo

I saw this in the Beach Book Mart and couldn’t help myself. Might as well own everything Leigh Bardugo. And it’s BEAUTIFULLY illustrated.

A Court of Frost and Starlight by Sarah J Maas

I’m so behind on the bandwagon. First with Six of Crows, now with A Court of Thorns and Roses. And the funny part? I have bought every single book immediately when it was published, but I haven’t read a single one of them. I know, smack my hand.

Emma in the Night by Wendy Walker

This was another BOTM that I didn’t select, but a lot of people loved. And it was another on in the discounted section.

Capital Dames: The Civil War and the Women of Washington bu Cokie Roberts

This is a pretty thick book and I’m expecting it to be dense. I bought it to learn more about the women during this time period. I’m more of a WWII gal since it was when my family immigrated to America, but I want to expand my horizon since my history is now connected with America herself.

The Bookshop of Yesterdays by Amy Meyerson

I’ve been hearing about this book – it’s about a bookshop! Couldn’t resist.


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